I know this was a huge surprise to a lot of people because I never really announced I was pregnant to begin with. Do you want to know the awful reason why not? I was waiting to get caught up on my blog. Next time I'll make big news the priority.
Savannah was born on July 28th 2011. Here are all the fun details:
About a week before the 28th My doctor said I was 50% effaced and dilated to a 2. This would normally be very exciting news because Savannah wasn't due until August, but I was actually nervous. Kimball had to go to Boise to take the bar on the 24th and wouldn't be home until late on the 26th. I knew there was nothing he could do to change things so I just promised to move as little as possible until he made it home. Beyond that I just hoped and prayed for things to work out.
Since you already know the end of the story I know there isn't much build-up about what happened so I'll cut to the chase. By mid-afternoon on the 26th I had decided that even if I did go into labor before Kimball got home he certainly had time to get back before the baby was actually born so the kids and I went for a walk to the park. I may have also done a few squats and lunges. Having delivered my other two babies two weeks early I had decided I'd waited enough and was ready. Kimball got home later that night and to my disappointment I was not in labor.
The next morning I had a doctors appointment and asked to see if things had progressed. I hadn't felt any new contractions so thought my chances were slim, but was kind of hoping the exam might help things along. I think the doctor knew what my real intentions were because that was the most uncomfortable exam I had ever had! Later that night I had just let Kaden out of time-out when my water broke.
I should have realized right away because my water broke with Kaden too, but I was still terrified that I had wet my pants. Between you and me, it wouldn't have been the first time. So we finished putting the kids to bed and I did a little experiment to see if it was for real and sure enough it was!
The hospital was a memorable experience. I had one of the sweetest nurses on the planet, but she wasn't exactly competent. She got me set up just fine, but when it came to the I.V. things just went wrong. She couldn't find the vein for a little while and decided to dig around until she did. At long last she was done, or was she? After a few minutes she came in and decided to put a little fluid into the I.V. to make sure she got it in the vein. OK. She pumped a little in and my arm started swelling up, my guess is she missed the vein after all, but my sweet little nurse was twisting my arm around at all different angles trying to decide the obvious. Finally she asked me if my arm looked swollen. YES! She was still unsure so she got another nurse for a third opinion. The next nurse gave a quick yes you need to try again and left me at the mercy of my sweet nurse. So she took the first attempt out and tried to clean up the blood then put in the second attempt. This time it was a success!! Unfortunately I passed out from the whole ordeal. I don't like to think I was a wuss, but to be honest that was the most traumatic part of the whole delivery.
One thing I learned from the experience is those little packages of smelling salts they have taped everywhere work really good. One sniff and I was wide awake.
One other surprise I had was having to wait for an epidural. I delivered Kaden and Jocilyn at the same hospital and was able to get the epidural as soon as I wanted it. Madison Memorial has a different way of doing things. I had to wait until I had dilated to a certain point. I can't remember how far though. Either way I wasn't allowed an epidural until about 4 am. Beyond that you'll be relieved to hear I have no complaints. Epidurals tend to have that affect.
Just after sunrise the doctor came in saying we were ready to push. Thankfully Savannah was delivered after just a few pushes and surprised everyone with a ridiculous amount of beautiful hair. The nurse joked that she was the first baby to use conditioner during her first bath.
She is the sweetest baby I could have asked for. And very very happy! Kaden and Jocilyn love making her smile.
Jocilyn goes back and forth between mothering and doting and becoming a little jealous. Overall she does much better than I expected. Even when she's jealous she's never mean to Savannah she just reverts to being a baby herself complete with sippy cups and baby talk. Kaden doesn't seem to get jealous at all, just a little annoyed when she cries, but he is a very loving and sweet big brother. I am so grateful for my sweet family. I can't believe I have three children now and Kimball and I have been married for over eight years! I suppose that means we really are in a serious and committed relationship with each other.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Hello again! + The Emergency Room
Let's face it. I am a terrible blogger, but that said this is still better than I've ever done with a journal so I'm going to keep at it!
Because I have over six months of time to catch up on including some major milestones (new baby, kindergarten, etc.) I've set a schedule for myself and within the next couple of weeks I'll hopefully be all caught up.
I suppose I should just start where I left off. Kimball did in fact come home safely from Morocco, quite a bit sooner than we expected. He was only gone 17 days in total. Just long enough to pick up some souvenirs and realize Morocco is actually not hot just humid. He loved the experience and is keeping his eyes open for any other small missions like this one. For the time being I don't mind too much. I always miss him when he's gone and am sure I always will, but I'm getting used to handling the kids by myself when he's away. It is nice to play tag team when the kids are being a handful though. I don't want anyone to misunderstand. I wish Kimball never had to be away for even one night and I miss him like crazy every time he leaves. But right now, that seems to be a part of what's necessary, so I'm trying to adjust.
Next order of business...
Our families first emergency room visit.
This next story is painful to tell because it begins with me being a know-it-all and ends with Jocilyn paying the consequences.
Living in Rexburg has many advantages, one of them being lots of family very close. One night we decided to take advantage of the closeness and got together for dinner with Kimball's dad and Phyllis. So we're all sitting down at the table when Phyllis tells me not to let Jocilyn stay in the chair she chose because she could fall over. After looking at the chair (a plastic short patio furniture type) I decided she would be just fine and even if she did fall it would be on carpet and from not very high up. She needed to learn to sit still in chairs anyway. I was a soon-to-be mother of three after all so of course I knew what I was talking about.
I'm sure you can guess what happens from here. Within about 15 minutes Jocilyn had tipped her chair backwards, and did she land on carpet? Yes, but not before her head bounced off of the corner of the wooden table behind her.
Sorry, I was just swallowing my pride for a moment there.
She was of course balling and screaming and while we were cuddling her we realized she was bleeding a lot. When we looked at the cut it didn't look all that big, but it was deep. So thanks to my guilt and natural tendency to over react we took her to the hospital.
I hated explaining what happened to the nurses, over and over again. I know I didn't really do anything wrong, but I'm always afraid they'll find a hiccup in my story and decide I'm an unfit mother and try to take my children away. (Like I said, I'm a natural over-reactor.)
It turned out to be a good thing we took Jocilyn in. They cleaned her up, rubbed some anasthetic on her cut, and used some staples to pin her back together. Had we not taken her in, at the very least her scar would have been a lot bigger and possibly become infected. That would be after a week or so of wondering if she had a concussion, infection or brain damage. Even the nurse turned out not to be scary. She knew Kimball from when we went to school at BYU-I, and didn't declare me unfit.
She was such a trooper. She didn't cry or anything once we were at the hospital, not even during the staples. And she LOVED the bandage they gave her, pink and purple hearts!
Don't mind the pictures. She's just hamming it up for the camera. She was actually laughing through most of this, but wanted to play the part for the pictures. My little drama queen, she just soaked in all that attention. And please don't look to carefully at me, I'm almost nine months pregnant after all.
Because I have over six months of time to catch up on including some major milestones (new baby, kindergarten, etc.) I've set a schedule for myself and within the next couple of weeks I'll hopefully be all caught up.
I suppose I should just start where I left off. Kimball did in fact come home safely from Morocco, quite a bit sooner than we expected. He was only gone 17 days in total. Just long enough to pick up some souvenirs and realize Morocco is actually not hot just humid. He loved the experience and is keeping his eyes open for any other small missions like this one. For the time being I don't mind too much. I always miss him when he's gone and am sure I always will, but I'm getting used to handling the kids by myself when he's away. It is nice to play tag team when the kids are being a handful though. I don't want anyone to misunderstand. I wish Kimball never had to be away for even one night and I miss him like crazy every time he leaves. But right now, that seems to be a part of what's necessary, so I'm trying to adjust.
Next order of business...
Our families first emergency room visit.
This next story is painful to tell because it begins with me being a know-it-all and ends with Jocilyn paying the consequences.
Living in Rexburg has many advantages, one of them being lots of family very close. One night we decided to take advantage of the closeness and got together for dinner with Kimball's dad and Phyllis. So we're all sitting down at the table when Phyllis tells me not to let Jocilyn stay in the chair she chose because she could fall over. After looking at the chair (a plastic short patio furniture type) I decided she would be just fine and even if she did fall it would be on carpet and from not very high up. She needed to learn to sit still in chairs anyway. I was a soon-to-be mother of three after all so of course I knew what I was talking about.
I'm sure you can guess what happens from here. Within about 15 minutes Jocilyn had tipped her chair backwards, and did she land on carpet? Yes, but not before her head bounced off of the corner of the wooden table behind her.
Sorry, I was just swallowing my pride for a moment there.
She was of course balling and screaming and while we were cuddling her we realized she was bleeding a lot. When we looked at the cut it didn't look all that big, but it was deep. So thanks to my guilt and natural tendency to over react we took her to the hospital.
I hated explaining what happened to the nurses, over and over again. I know I didn't really do anything wrong, but I'm always afraid they'll find a hiccup in my story and decide I'm an unfit mother and try to take my children away. (Like I said, I'm a natural over-reactor.)
It turned out to be a good thing we took Jocilyn in. They cleaned her up, rubbed some anasthetic on her cut, and used some staples to pin her back together. Had we not taken her in, at the very least her scar would have been a lot bigger and possibly become infected. That would be after a week or so of wondering if she had a concussion, infection or brain damage. Even the nurse turned out not to be scary. She knew Kimball from when we went to school at BYU-I, and didn't declare me unfit.
She was such a trooper. She didn't cry or anything once we were at the hospital, not even during the staples. And she LOVED the bandage they gave her, pink and purple hearts!
Don't mind the pictures. She's just hamming it up for the camera. She was actually laughing through most of this, but wanted to play the part for the pictures. My little drama queen, she just soaked in all that attention. And please don't look to carefully at me, I'm almost nine months pregnant after all.
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